Compartment Desk User Guide

[ Setup & Editing ]

• Keep a safe copy of this item by right clicking on the object or folder in your inventory copy → paste

• Rez the object in world and adjust as you will; position & rotate

• You may edit the colors of the light/glow by selecting the proper face and utilizing Second Life's build menu to select the color. (Control + B)

*NOTE: Do not link any other objects to the desk, this will interfere with the scripting!

[ Usage; Compartment - COMMAND ]

• Open up the Second Life edit/build menu and change the description of the desk to your desire.

• By Default, the password/code is set to 1234 - You may change this to a combination of letters and numbers if you wish.

• To Hide and Show the Lid of the hidden compartment, type /100 1234

Example: If you were to change the description of the object to 'Igloo', you would type:

/100 Igloo your new password/code.

[ Usage; Compartment - TOUCH ]

• Click the desk to open or close the compartment lid.
