Register Commercial Use

What's the best chance we'll accept your application? Do these three required things.

Be Ready

  • Fill out the questions upon the form carefully.

  • Join our update group (Paste link in SL: secondlife:///app/group/69492827-2f74-bd24-4451-63b0fd75755d/about)

  • Pay an applicable fee if necessary

Fill out & submit to apply for commercial-use licensed products.

Application/Registry Form

You may be required to pay an additional fee to receive access to a full-permissions version of a product.

Please fill out the questions upon the next page/form carefully.

Please read our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service before form submission.

We reserve the right to refuse and/or deny service, access or anything else to anyone for any reason at all. We reserve the right to refuse to issue refunds of any kind, for any reason at all.

man writing on paper

Fill out & submit to apply for commercial-use licensed products.

Application/Registry Form

You may be required to pay an additional fee to receive access to a full-permissions version of a product.

Please fill out the questions upon this form carefully.

Please read our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service before form submission.

We reserve the right to refuse and/or deny service, access or anything else to anyone for any reason at all. We reserve the right to refuse to issue refunds of any kind, for any reason at all.